SEO is a well-known way to increase traffic to your website. There is a lot of ways to optimize SEO. One such thing is a social signal. If you don’t know what social signal, social signals are your site’s social engagements like share, comments likes. These things are very important as this shows that people are engaging with you. There is some site that enjoys social signals like Bing however google says that it doesn’t directly recognize the social signals.
However, these signals are taken care of indirectly. If there is a lot of engagement then it shows that your site is worth some visits. Most SEO companies offer SEO packages that optimize your website for you. However, here are some ways you can increase your social signals by yourself.
Linking the website
Linking your websites directly to your social account is offered in many SEO packages. That might bring some traffic from people who are following you. if you can’t get that then you can get some direct traffic for starters. You could also ask other members to add the link to their profile as well. which would enhance the reach.
Have clickbait title
Clickbait could sound not so great and you may not like it. no matter you like it or not, it can bring a lot of traffic. The clickbait has to follow the guidelines with the search engines. If not then it can be detrimental as a lot of social sites are bringing down clickbait that seems to be suspicious.
Share the best
Share your best content on the internet. The best will only attract the traffic towards your site. The best content will be noticed by the public and then they will decide whether to come to your page or not. Sharing would call for more engagement and that in turn would be beneficial for you.
There are a lot of ways to get traffic, social signals are one of them. They may not directly get you traffic as in the case of Google but would be beneficial on other search engines like Bing. Along with that, it is very important on social sites like Facebook and Twitter. The more involvement there is in your account the better it will become for your site as it would bring direct traffic to your site. That is an additional treat for you. The right content on social sites is a trigger to direct people right to your site. You could also opt for SEO packages from SEO companies.…